Saturday, April 26, 2014

HOW TO CHANGE cursor or pointer in blogger blog

I created this post because there is a blogger friend who asked how to change the pointer / cursor blogger . You can decorate it back to the look of the blog < = Br model. "Box -sizing : border -box ;" / >
< Br style = " box-sizing : border -box ;" / > As you can see already install fresh pointer to my own doing blogger.You can also be used to jump start ....
< Br style = " box-sizing : border -box ;" / >
These are the steps of the installation procedure slider design for your Blogger blog
1 ) First Creat your own pointer paint or Photoshop and men in the IT "gif" or "jpeg " file

2) then download this image in Google , and then copy the URL ( the image of the lease)

3) Go to Blogger Dashboard > template / >
4) Then press Edit HTML

5) Look for this pin <body>

6 ) Copy the code below and paste below the tag <body>
< Blockquote style = " box-sizing : border -box ; font-family : Georgia , serif ; font-style : italic ; line -height: 1.4em ; margin: 1em 20px ; padding: 20px 30px 0.25em 0.25em ; position : relative; "> style> type = 'text / css' > body, a, a : hover { Cursor : url ( your cursor url ), progress ;} </>7) change . cursor your url your link to pointer

8) Now your wise model
< Br = model "Box -sizing : border -box ;" . / > You are decimal ... . Enjoy ...

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